saraswathi shukla

I am a musicologist and cultural historian whose scholarship spans several centuries and geographic areas. I study the instrumental music and material culture of 17th- and 18th-century France and Germany, as well as the 20th- and 21st-century cultural politics of the early music revival.

Current Positions

Visiting Assistant Professor of Historical Musicology, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2023


Co-Director of the University of Colorado, Boulder’s MM in Historical Performance and Research, 2024-


Member-at-Large, Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, 2024-26


Qualification aux fonctions de maître·sse de conférences, 2024-28


PhD in Music, University of California, Berkeley
Designated Emphasis in Renaissance & Early Modern Studies


Cycle d’orientation professionnelle in Harpsichord, CRR de Boulogne-Billancourt


MA in Music History and Literature, University of California, Berkeley


AB in History, magna cum laude, Princeton University


Grants, Fellowships & Awards
  • Bixler Faculty Fund Initiative Award, CU Boulder
  • Irene Alm Memorial Prize, Society for Seventeenth-Century Music
  • Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Fellowship, American Musicological Society
  • Georges Lurcy Fellowship
  • Chateaubriand Fellowship
  • Mellon Chancellor’s Fellowship, UC Berkeley
  • DAAD Graduate Study Scholarship, Bach-Archiv, Leipzig
  • André Maman Senior Thesis Prize, French Department, Princeton University
  • Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, Princeton University
  • Lawrence Stone & Shelby Cullom Davis Prize, History Department, Princeton University
  • Fred Fox Fund & Class of 1984 Fund for independent research, Princeton University
  • A. William Haarlow III Prize, Humanistic Studies Program, Princeton University
  • Davidson Fellows Scholarship

